Archive for September, 2017

Green Tongue

Sep 30 2017 Published by under Diseases and Conditions

Why is my tongue green

The tongue is a perfect indicator of your health. The normal tongue is pink to reddish pink in color with light white coating.

A discoloration of the tongue is an indicator that something is not right. A green yellow tongue is not normal. What does a green tongue indicate? It is a sign of an underlying health problem.

Green Tongue Symptoms

  • Greenish discoloration of the tongue
  • Halitosis (bad breath)
  • Pain and discomfort in the oral cavity
  • Metallic taste (5)
  • Nausea with or without vomiting
  • Swollen tongue
  • Sore throat
  • The patient will have weight loss secondary to loss of appetite. It is attributed to acid reflux which could lead to abnormal taste buds.
  • The tongue is dry with a hard layer on the lower back portion of the tongue.
  • A burning feeling at the level of the mouth. (6)

A tongue with a yellowish to greenish

Image 1: A tongue with a yellowish to greenish discoloration.
Picture Source:

A green tongue with a scallop edge.image

Picture 2: A green tongue with a scallop edge.
Photo Source:

Green Tongue Causes

  1. Prolonged use of antibiotics – Taking antibiotics for a long period of time can cause a greenish discoloration of the tongue. (3)
  2. Oral candidiasis/green thrush/oral thrush – It is an infection of the throat and mouth caused by excessive growth of candida albicans, an opportunistic type of fungus. The clinical manifestations are white patches in the oral cavity (tongue, inner cheek, throat, and palate). Anybody is prone to oral candidiasis, especially those with weak immune system.
  3. Hairy tongue syndrome – it is a condition wherein there is a hairy-like projection on the tongue. It causes rough green colored tongue and will give you a hairy feeling. It is also possible to have green spots or green bumps on the tongue. A hairy tongue is caused by a build-up of keratin protein on the tongue. Other reasons for hairy tongue are dehydration, poor oral hygiene, side effect of radiation therapy of the head and neck, too much intake of antibiotics, prolonged smoking, and effects of drinking coffee and/or tea. (7, 8)
  4. Trauma to the tongue – A greenish discoloration of the tongue can be associated with trauma to the tongue. It could be a sudden blow to the tongue or a result of piercing. It leads to infection causing a greenish to yellowish discharge.
  5. Green tongue as a side effect of substance abuse – harmful substances can cause a greenish discoloration of the tongue. It could be associated with a green tongue syndrome alcohol, smoking, or marijuana use. Specifically, excessive marijuana use could result to a green coated tongue.
  6. Vitamin deficiency – A discoloration of the tongue could indicate that the body is deficient in essential vitamins and minerals. A greenish discoloration of the tongue could mean that the body lacks vitamin B. It is also caused by a low haemoglobin level and anemia or inadequate iron in the blood. (1, 4)

Green tongue in baby

Sometimes babies have a green tongue and it is commonly associated with oral thrush and cold infection. Sometimes, if your baby has a severe cough, the tongue has greenish discoloration because the green sputum got mixed up with the bacteria. It is after coughing that the tongue is severely discoloured. The tongue of the babies can also turn green if they are on antibiotic medication.

The kind of foods eaten by babies can also affect the color of the tongue. If you are pregnant and you are suspecting of oral thrust, then you need to have yourself checked so that you will not be able to pass on the thrush to your baby. If you are pregnant, you should increase your intake of foods rich in vitamins and essential nutrients so that your baby will be healthy. (3, 6, 8)

How to treat green tongue?

The treatment for greenish discoloration of the tongue depends on the underlying cause. Hence, it is important to determine the root cause of the problem so that proper treatment and care will be given to the patient. Some of the best treatment approach and remedies for greenish discoloration of the tongue include the following:

  • You should maintain a good oral hygiene. Gently brush your teeth and tongue at least two to three times a day. (1, 2)
  • There are home remedies tested and proven effective in treating green tongue. Create a paste using turmeric and honey and apply directly on the tongue. Turmeric and honey are known for their antibacterial properties. They don’t just help get rid of green tongue but also help in controlling the spread of oral thrush.
  • You should eat a healthy and nutritious foods. Increase your intake of vitamin C to strengthen your immune system.
  • If there is a greenish hairy projection on the tongue, you can at least get rid of them using a tongue scraper. (3)
  • Use mint leaves in cleaning the tongue. It brings back the tongue to its original color and at the same time eliminates foul smelling breath.
  • Increase your intake of probiotics. What are probiotics? They are good bacteria and they can help increase the body’s defense against bad bacteria. A good source of probiotics are yogurt, cheese, and dairy products. (4)

Having a green tongue can be worrisome. However, one should keep in mind that a greenish discoloration of the tongue is not a disease itself, but a clinical manifestation of an underlying serious medical condition. A tongue discoloration that goes on for a few days is nothing to be concerned about.

However, if the greenish discoloration does not resolve and comes with other symptoms such as the ones mentioned above, it could indicate a more serious health problem. If this is the case, you need to immediately consult your doctor. Your primary care physician will conduct a thorough assessment to thoroughly diagnose the underlying medical condition.

Aside from the physical examination, the doctor will also order complete blood count (CBC) and tongue culture. This is to check the level of white blood cells and to identify the disease-causing organism. (7, 8, 9, 10)



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Precordial Catch Syndrome

Sep 30 2017 Published by under Syndromes

What is precordial catch syndrome?

It is a type of chest pain that occurs when the nerves in the front part of the chest are aggravated.

It may sound serious but in reality, it causes no harm. It usually happens in children and adolescents. Precordial catch syndrome PCS is popular by the name Texidor’s twinge. Precordial catch syndrome in adults is less common. (1, 2)

An adult patient with what seems to be a precordial catch syndrome. Although, PCS is rare in adult patients.image

Photo 1: An adult patient with what seems to be a precordial catch syndrome. Although, PCS is rare in adult patients.
Picture Source:

A Texidor’s Twinge or also known as precordial catch

Image 2: A Texidor’s Twinge or also known as precordial catch syndrome.
Photo Source:

Symptoms and Signs

  • Extremely intense sharp pain at the left side of the chest
  • The pain is worst when taking breaths
  • The pain lasts for 30 seconds to 3 minutes
  • The pain resolves quickly and completely in most cases
  • The pain is sudden, especially when the child is at rest
  • The pain is localized
  • The frequency varies from one patient to another
  • The pain can appear daily or multiple episodes a day (2, 3, 4)

Is precordial catch syndrome common?

How common is precordial catch syndrome? It is common in children and adolescents. It rarely affects adults. Precordial catch syndrome can affect people of any age. However, the prevalence is higher in children and adolescents than in adults. People aged 6 years old to 12 years old are commonly affected. (4)

What causes precordial catch syndrome?

The exact cause of precordial catch syndrome is still unknown up to this time. One thing is clear though. It is not related to heart or lung problems. Many doctors associate precordial catch syndrome with irritation of the nerves that line the lungs (pleura).

It could also be associated with pain in the cartilage and ribs. There are various reasons why the nerve gets irritated such as poor posture, injury to the chest, and growth spurt. Nerve irritation is linked with pinching of the nerve, which could be caused by spasm of the intercostal muscle fibers. Precordial catch syndrome is also linked with stress and anxiety. (4, 5)

Let us take a look at in detail the circumstances that could lead to precordial catch syndrome:

  • Injury – an injury that could lead to damage of the chest muscles increases the possibility of precordial catch syndrome.
  • Costochondritis – It is the inflammation of the joint, specifically between the ribs and the sternum.
  • Anxiety and stress – it causes muscle cramps, especially in the intercostal muscles thereby causing precordial catch syndrome.
  • Respiratory disease – Those patients with lung-related disease have trouble breathing. Precordial catch syndrome is one of the clinical manifestations.
  • Eating unhealthy foods – The types of foods the patient eats can trigger precordial catch syndrome. (5, 6, 7)

What is the difference between precordial catch syndrome and heart attack?

Precordial Catch Syndrome

  • The chest pain is localized and non-radiating.
  • The pain is relieved in a few minutes.
  • The pain is not associated with other symptoms.
  • The ECG reading is normal. (7, 8)

Heart Attack

  • The chest pain radiates to the left shoulder, arm, and jaw.
  • The pain is persistent and severe in nature.
  • The pain is accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, excessive sweating, and giddiness.
  • There is an abnormal change in the ECG result. (8)

How is precordial catch syndrome diagnosed?

If your child complains of chest pain of unexplained origin, the best thing to do is to consult your doctor right away. This is to detect the root cause of the problem. If it is caused by a heart or lung disease, at least it could be detected earlier. Always remember that a medical condition is easy to treat if it is diagnosed at an early stage.

You should immediately see your doctor if you notice any of the following:

  • Nausea
  • Light-headedness
  • Extreme headache
  • Shortness of breath

Chest pain accompanied by the symptoms mentioned above could be a possible heart attack or heart-related disease. On the doctor’s visit, the doctor will conduct a thorough physical examination and at the same time take out the patient’s past medical and past surgical history.

The doctor will rule out problems of the heart and/or lungs. The doctor will ask circumstances that taken place before the chest pain including when the symptoms began, the duration of the pain, characteristics of the pain, frequency of the chest pain, and whether or not there are other clinical manifestations.

The doctor will take out the patient’s vital signs, especially the pulse and blood pressure. Additional lab work and diagnostic procedure will be requested if the doctor is suspecting heart problems. (8, 9, 10)

What are the possible complications?

Precordial catch syndrome usually does not lead to other health conditions. It could somehow cause alarm and anxiety not only to the patient but to their significant others too. It is a must to discuss everything with your doctor, especially if you have been experiencing chest pain periodically. (2, 4)

Precordial catch syndrome treatment?

How to get rid of precordial catch syndrome? Ideally, there is no treatment for precordial catch syndrome. The doctor’s approach is to alleviate the signs and symptoms of the condition. Doctors usually prescribe pain reliever. In fact, you can even buy over the counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen.

Sometimes, pain reliever is no longer necessary to make the pain disappear. Some patients experience chest pain relief by doing slow gentle breathing. (3)

How to prevent precordial catch syndrome?

  • To prevent future episode of precordial catch syndrome, the patient is strongly advised to sit up properly. Do not hunch over while sitting.
  • The patient should stand straight with shoulders back.

Precordial catch syndrome causes discomfort, but fortunately, t is not a life-threatening condition. It does not require treatment or medication. There are instances when the doctor prescribes drugs so as to alleviate the discomfort of the patient.

However, chest pain should not be taken lightly. It is important to consult your doctor to properly diagnose the condition of the patient. It could be a precordial catch syndrome, but it could also be an underlying serious medical condition. So, might as well consult the doctor to come up with the right diagnosis. (5, 6, 10)


  10. Fundamentals of Pediatric Cardiology By David J. Driscoll

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Only Child Syndrome

Sep 30 2017 Published by under Syndromes

What is the only child syndrome?

It is a syndrome that has a negative connotation. It is more of a behavioral syndrome than a physical or biological of origin.

As the name suggests, only child syndrome is found on people who is the only child of their parents. The child behaves differently than others. (1)

Common misconceptions about the only child.image

Photo 1: Common misconceptions about the only child.
Picture Source:

An only child in her frown

Image 2: An only child in her frown face.
Photo Source:

A happy family with one child.image

Photo 3: A happy family with one child.
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Only child characteristics

  • Only child syndrome symptoms include the following:
  • Many people call the only child as a spilt or pampered.
  • The child finds it difficult to mingle with other people. He/she loves to be alone.
  • The child is shy.
  • There is a possibility that the child will talk to himself.
  • Only child matures slower than the normal kids.
  • The child finds it difficult to share secrets to other people (trust issues).
  • He/she does not behave properly like others.
  • Lack of competitive attitude.
  • The child is self-centered.
  • The child easily gets jealous.
  • The child has difficulties living life alone. (2, 3, 4)

Let us take a look at the only child syndrome psychology. Let us dig deeper into the interpersonal relationship of only child, only child adults in relationships, how they cope with stress, how they live their life, and a whole lot more.

  • Being an only child, the parents tend to do their best to raise the child and provide everything that will give comfort to the child. As a result, the child will do his/her very best to please their parents. The only child succeed in most aspects of life, but more on the academic side, to the point that the social life is neglected.
  • The only child spends most of their time interacting with their parents making them to mature faster. (5, 6)
  • Only child knows how to converse well with adults.
  • Once the only child reaches the teenage years, he/she develops a sense of independence and responsibility. They feel like they don’t need to depend on someone else because they can stand on their own. (6)

Common misconceptions

They are spoiled

A lot of people think that only child are spoiled brat. The truth of the matter is they are not. Being spoilt as nothing to with you being the only child. It is the way your parents brought you up. There are kids raised in big family who are spoiled. Being spoilt has something to do with parenting styles or upbringing. (7)

They are selfish

Not all only child are selfish. As a matter of fact, most of them are kind-hearted. They are people pleasers because they long for companion. They often say yes to favors.

They are achievement oriented

As an only child, they want to return the love and care given by their parents. So, they most likely focus on their academic studies. However, only child does not only focus on academics. He/she also focus on building relationship with others. Only children long for companion and so they make sure that they create a good impression to people they meet. (7, 8)

Only child only cares for own feelings

Many people think that only child does not give importance to other people’s feelings. They only care for their own feelings. This is not true at all. Only child may seem stubborn at times, but it does not mean that they disregard the feelings of other people. It’s just that they move on easily in times of disagreement. Just because they move forward does not mean they don’t care at all.

Only child always needs a moment of silence

Only child is used to being alone. They are self-reliant. They know how to handle their own problems. Sometimes, in the moment of despair, they want to be alone. When they are ready, they will eventually speak it out. (9)

Only child are anti-social and introverts

Only child are not anti-social or introvert at all. The thing is that only child is conscious of personal boundaries. They are quite reserved. With a little courage, they can eventually socialize with others.

Only child are attention seekers

Being the only child in the family, they are used to be the center of attention. They can be self-centered at times, but not in a negative way. Some people see it as an attention seeking behavior but in reality, it is not. Only child just love to be surrounded by people. (10)

Only child are unforgiving

Some people see the behavior of only child as unforgiving. However, this is not always the case. It is just that only child does not develop a sense of co-dependency. Only child have a good understanding of people’s behavior. They just tend to shield themselves from toxic people.

Only child syndrome is a behavioural syndrome that hardly need any treatment. In fact, it isn’t bad at all. There are good and not-so-good traits.

However, this does not necessarily mean that treatment is required. It will only be needed if the behavior is destructing to both the child and the people surrounding him. If the only child syndrome symptoms get out of control, the parents of the child should actively take part in making the child change for the better. A consultation to a psychologist along with support therapies can be extremely helpful. The negative effect of only child syndrome can be prevented provided the parents are responsible in raising the child.

As we all know, the home is the first school and the parents are the first teachers. The home is the smallest unit of the society and it is where the formative stage of the child takes place. If you notice that your child demonstrates negative traits, you have to correct it at an early age.

Remember the classic saying, “You can’t teach old dog new tricks.” Commend the child’s positive behavior but do not forget to correct your child’s bad behavior. At the end of the day, it is the upbringing of the child that defines behavior. (3, 6, 9, 10)



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Abilify Withdrawal

Sep 29 2017 Published by under Diseases and Conditions

Abilify is an antipsychotic drug. It is used to treat the symptoms of psychotic conditions like bipolar I disorder (manic type) and schizophrenia. It can also be an add-on treatment for people suffering from severe depression. (1)

How to take abilify?

Abilify should be taken as prescribed by your doctor. The dosing requirement should be strictly followed, although the doctor occasionally change the dose to see to it that you will achieve the therapeutic result.

  • Abilify in oral form – The tablet is kept in blister pack. The tablet shouldn’t be swallowed whole. Do not chew the tablet. Just place it in your mouth and wait to dissolve.
  • Abilify injection – If the patient is agitated and there is a need to control the patient right away, an intramuscular injection is given. If the patient is controlled, that’s the time the drug is switched to oral form. (1, 2, 3)

*Abilify should be taken at nigh time before going to bed because the drug makes you sleepy. On the positive note, it can be taken with or without food. When you take abilify via oral route, make sure you drink a glass full of water because Abilify can easily dehydrate your body. (3)

An image of abilify drug in 10 mg tabletten form.photoImage 1 : An image of abilify drug in 10 mg tabletten form
Picture Source :

A person suffering from schizophrenia.imagePhoto 2 : A person suffering from schizophrenia
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How does the drug Abilify work?

Abilify contains aripiprazole (active ingredient). It works by altering various brain receptors, especially serotonin (5HT) receptors and dopamine receptors. They are neurotransmitters and their function is to transmit messages between brain cells. A person suffering from psychotic illness has problem in the activities of neurotransmitters in the brain. What Abilify does is it stabilizes the dopamine activity in the brain. (4, 5)

A patient suffering from schizophrenia experiences hallucinations, hostility and delusions. He does not want to socialize with others. He also lacks emotion. These symptoms are caused by over activity of dopamine in some parts of the brain. To prevent over activity, abilify will block the dopamine receptors.

On the other hand, symptoms like isolation and lack of emotion are linked with underactivity of dopamine in some areas of the brain. What Abilify does is it will stimulate dopamine receptors. (5)

Can you stop taking Abilify abruptly?

You should not stop taking abilify abruptly. Just because you are feeling better does not necessarily mean you can stop taking the medication. It should only be stopped if your doctor tells you so. Abilify is used to treat the symptoms of psychosis. If you stop taking it, the symptoms will surely come back.

On top of that, stopping abilify abruptly could lead to extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS). You will experience uncontrollable shaking, which is similar to people with Parkinson’s disease. You will also noticed uncontrolled speech and facial tics.

Abilify should be tapered slowly. Stopping the drug abruptly could lead to cold turkey. The brain does not know what to do, especially if you have been taking abilify for a long time now. Abilify withdrawal is difficult to handle. This is one of the reasons patients should strictly consult their psychiatrist. (4, 5, 6,7)

Abilify withdrawal symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms vary from one person to another, but various factors come to play such as how long the patient has been taking abilify, dosage of the medication, and personal physiology. Everyone has a unique physiological response to medications. Abilify withdrawal symptoms include the following:

  • Anxiety – The patient usually has general anxiety attack or feel anxious in social situations. The anxiety can be severe, which makes it difficult for the patient to sleep at night.
  • Confusion – The patient experiences confusion and memory problem.
  • Changes in appetite – When coming off of the medication, the patient noticed that their appetite is significantly reduced.
  • Poor concentration – When a patient is going through abilify withdrawal, he will have difficulty in concentration and focus. The cognition worsens, but don’t worry as it is just temporary.
  • Diarrhea – While coming off of abilify, the patient will experience diarrhea. It can easily manage using over the counter anti-diarrheal medications.
  • Hallucinations – Some people experienced hallucinations while coming off of abilify.
  • Mood swings – The patient has a bout of mood swings even if he does not have any history of mood swings.
  • Nausea and vomiting – During the first week of abilify withdrawal, you will feel nauseated. Extreme nausea could lead to vomiting and flu-like symptoms.
  • Tiredness and sleepiness – As the effect of Abilify wear off, the patient feels tired and tend to sleep a lot throughout the day. This goes on for a few days. After two weeks, the tiredness and sleepiness subsides. (6, 7,8)

How long do Abilify withdrawal symptoms last?

Abilify withdrawal side effects can last for weeks to months. It depends on the person. Severe symptoms will be experienced for a few days. They don’t last for several months. Those who abruptly stop the medication are more likely to experience withdrawal symptoms than those people whose abilify is gradually tapered. Just be patient because the brain will eventually return to its normal functions.

To best manage abilify withdrawal symptoms, the patient should continuously see his psychiatrist. It is also recommended for patients to socialize with others and engage in healthy activities. Eat a well-balanced diet and get natural sunlight. These things will help improve the withdrawal symptoms and will make your body generally healthy. (9)

Losing weight after stopping abilify

Antipsychotic drugs cause weight gain. Abilify will let you gain some weight, but not as much as other drugs. Losing weight after stopping abilify usually takes place once the drug is completely out of your system. To speed up the weight loss process, you should exercise and choose the foods you eat. (10)

How long does abilify stay in your system?

About 50% of abilify in your system will be eliminated within 3 to 6 days. Some people would take about a week to clear half of abilify in their system. To completely eliminate abilify from your system, you need to wait for at least 17 days to 33 days. Poor metabolizers take longer to completely eliminate the drugs from their system. (10)


  10. Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and their Families by Peter Roger Breggin

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Chills without Fever

Sep 28 2017 Published by under Diseases and Conditions

Had you experience having chills? It is a feeling of being cold for no reasons at all. It is the repeated expansion and contraction of muscles. Chills is usually accompanied by fever, but there are times when you experience chills but no fever and body aches.

The chills are constant and can last for a few minutes to an hour. A lot of people think that uncontrollable shaking and chills usually come with a fever, but that’s not always the case. There are medical conditions that cause chills without fever. (1, 2)

A patient with chills as well as colds and cough.image

Photo 1: A patient with chills as well as colds and cough.
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(A patient trying to make himself warm by putting warm pad and drinking warm drinks.)

A geriatric patient suffering from severe chills.image

Image 2: A geriatric patient suffering from severe chills.
Photo Source:

What causes chills without fever

  • Bladder infection
  • A complication of prescribed medication
  • Low haemoglobin level (anemia)
  • Malnutrition
  • Lack of sleep (3)
  • Low glucose level (hypoglycaemia)
  • Prolonged exposure to cold environment
  • Common cold that is usually viral in origin as manifested by coughing and runny nose
  • Kissing disease (mononucleosis)
  • Viral infection
  • Influenza
  • Inflammation of the membrane that protects the brain (meningitis)
  • Pneumonia as manifested by coughing, fever, difficulty of breathing, and inflammation of the lungs
  • Throat infection
  • Food poisoning (4)
  • Spider bite. Normally, a bite of spider is harmless but if it is caused by the venomous type, then you will most likely experience symptoms like chills, nausea and vomiting, and muscle spasms.
  • Sepsis, which is a type of blood infection which could eventually lead to clothing, low blood pressure, and organ failure. It is a life-threatening condition. Chills is the first clinical manifestation of sepsis. Other related symptoms are fever, vomiting, shaking, diarrhea, and abdominal cramping.
  • Hypothermia. A severely low body temperature as manifested by chills and shaking.
  • The geriatric population is prone to chills.
  • Panic attack is one of the reasons for experiencing chills. (10)

What causes random chills? It is the body’s way of producing heat so as to increase the core temperature of the body. As a result, the muscles contract and relax rapidly.

What are symptoms chills without fever?

  • The teeth chatter. It is the result of the body’s attempt to generate more heat. If you are experiencing chills, your teeth chatter too.
  • Chills are usually accompanied by goose bumps. This commonly happens if you are exposed to a cold environment.
  • As the body tries its best to generate more heat the warmer spots of the body will then produce more heat such as the groin and the armpits.
  • The skin feels sweaty and clammy as the cold temperature causes the moisture to slowly evaporate.
  • Your body shakes or shivers as a result of the contraction of the muscles. (4, 5, 6)

Treatment and management

What to do for chills without fever? How can you stop the sudden shivering of the body? Chills without fever do not necessarily mean that there is a serious underlying medical condition, although in some cases, it is an indicator of a serious illness.

On the positive note, chills without fever can be treated at home.

  1. Make sure you drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated.
  2. Give your body an ample time to rest and relax.
  3. If the chills is severe, you should get a light sheet and cover yourself. Do not use heavy blankets as it increases the possibility of raising the body’s temperature.
  4. Try to calm yourself by sponging your body with a lukewarm water. Do not use cold water as it can further aggravate the chills. (7)
  5. To significantly reduce the chills and fevers, it would help a lot if the patient will drink a warm herbal tea. If you don’t like the taste of the tea, then at least add honey to make the taste pleasing, especially for children.
  6. Make sure you eat nutritious foods, especially fruits, vegetables, and cereals. You should take warm foods to improve internal heat.
  7. Try to walk at least 30 minutes a day to improve the body’s heat and minimize chills.
  8. Drink plenty of warm water as well as warm chicken soup. It soothes the cold feeling and minimizes chills. (8)
  9. Taking a warm shower one to two times a day can help alleviate the cold feeling.
  10. It would help a lot if you are going to wear warm clothing, especially when going out in a cold climate.
  11. Make sure you eat on a regular basis. Always have access to something edible so that when you have chills, you will have something readily available to eat.
  12. Use essential oil to calm the body and mind. (9)

Medical management for chills without fever

  1. If the cause of chill is viral infection, the patient should take antibiotics. However, it should only be taken under the prescription of your doctor.
  2. Increase your intake of vitamin B supplements to help minimize chills and increase the body’s energy level. (10)
  3. If the cause of chill is viral, then an antiviral medication is needed.
  4. It is important to treat the accompanying symptoms of chills such as cough and colds. The usual treatment options include cough expectorants and nasal decongestants.
  5. Anti-inflammatory medication helps in alleviating pain and discomfort brought by severe chills.
  6. If the cause of chill is food poisoning, the best approach is to seek immediate medical intervention.
  7. If the patient is dehydrated, then the patient should be put on intravenous therapy.
  8. The patient should observe proper relaxation and breathing techniques.
  9. For iron deficiency anemia the best remedy is iron supplement. (1, 4, 5)

When you should call your doctor?

You should contact your doctor if the chills have been going on for quite a while now and do not seem to go away despite desperate measures. You should call your doctor if the patient develops a fever as it could indicate that there is an underlying serious medical condition.



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Beta Lactamase Inhibitor

Sep 26 2017 Published by under Diseases and Conditions

A beta-lactamase is a family of enzyme that is resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics. They are produced by bacteria that have multiple resistance to β-lactam antibiotics. Examples of beta lactamase antibiotics are penicillins, carbapenems, cephalosporins, and cephamycins.

What the enzymes do is they open the beta-lactam ring and inactive the healing effect of the antibiotics. The bacteria that produce beta-lactamase play a vital role in polymicrobial infection. They can directly cause an infection or could develop a secondary infection due to their ability to produce beta lactamase enzyme.

Penicillin therapy won’t work because beta-lactamase can survive even with penicillin. As a matter of fact, they can protect other penicillin susceptible organisms by simply releasing free enzymes into the environment. This phenomenon occurs in infections involving the skin, respiratory track, and soft tissues. (1, 2)

Beta lactamase hydrolyzes the beta-lactam ring, which is the building block of beta-lactam antibiotics. The first beta-lactam antibiotic was penicillin. However, there are reported cases of beta-lactam antibiotic resistant bacterial strains. The production of beta-lactamase greatly affects the potency of the antibiotic.

For the beta-lactam antibiotics to deliver its therapeutic effects, the release of beta-lactamase should be stopped. This has paved way to the development of beta-lactamase inhibitors. This type of drugs prevents the release of beta-lactamase enzyme.

In case of release, the beta-lactamase inhibitor will be the one to catch the enzymes so that the beta-lactam antibiotic will be able to perform its functions. (1, 2, 3)

A molecular presentation of beta-lactamase inhibitor drugs, how they function, and how they inhibit the release of beta-lactamase

Image 1 : A molecular presentation of beta-lactamase inhibitor drugs, how they function, and how they inhibit the release of beta-lactamase enzymes.
Picture Source :


An image showing the functions of beta-lactamase inhibitor in fighting disease causing microorganisms.pictureFigure 2 : An image showing the functions of beta-lactamase inhibitor in fighting disease causing microorganisms.
Photo Source :

beta-lactam antibiotic that is made even more strong and effective by adding beta-lactamase inhibitor.image

Photo 3 : beta-lactam antibiotic that is made even more strong and effective by adding beta-lactamase inhibitor.
Image Source :

Beta lactamase classification

  1. Molecular classification – It is based on the amino acid sequence, which divides beta lactamase into class A, B, C, and D. Class A, C, and D use serine for the hydrolysis of β-lactam. On the other hand, substrate hydrolysis of class B requires divalent zinc ions. (4)
  2. Functional classification – It groups the enzymes based on the substrate and inhibitor profiles.
  • Group 1 – It includes the class C, which are cephalosporinases. They are present on many Enterobacteriaceae and other organisms.
  • Group 2 – Incudes classes A and D, they are broad-spectrum, inhibitor-resistant. This is the largest group of β-lactamases. (4, 5)
  • Group 3 Metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs) – They are a distinct group of beta-lactamase. They were identified as chromosomal enzymes commonly found in Gram-positive or occasional Gram-negative bacilli like Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. (5)

What are Beta-lactamase inhibitors?

Beta-lactamase inhibitors are drugs that block or hinder the activity of beta-lactamase enzymes. They are used in combination with beta-lactam antibiotics because of their ability to enhance the therapeutic effect of the drugs.

Using beta-lactamase inhibitor will result in successfully blocking the enzymes produced by gram positive bacteria such as Staph aureus and a few gram negative bacteria like H. influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

It is important to block the action of beta-lactamase enzymes. Failure to do so could lead to antibiotic resistance. (5, 6,7)

There are two primary beta lactamase inhibitors classification. They are:

  • Β lactamase inhibitor with beta lactam core
  • Β lactamase inhibitor without beta lactam group

Beta lactamase inhibitor Mechanism of Action (MOA)

There are different species of bacteria. Some bacteria are resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics. They develop resistance by producing B-lactamases enzyme. Beta-lactam antibiotics contain a ring in their molecular structure. Examples of B-lactam drugs are penicillins, cephalosphorins, cephamycins, and monolactams.

It works by binding to the penicillin binding protein. The binding process makes it difficult for the penicillin binding protein to crosslink peptidoglycan chains. As a result, it would be extremely difficult for the bacteria to synthesize a stable cell wall. Through this process, the disease causing bacteria is lysed. (7, 8,9)

However, there are instances when beta-lactam is not strong enough to kill the disease causing bacteria. This is true in the specie of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria. They are resistant to Beta-lactam as they have the ability to produce beta-lactamases enzyme. These enzymes deactivates the effect of antibiotic by breaking the ring. As a result, the microorganism develops resistance to antibiotic.

To overcome the resistance, beta-lactamase inhibitor should be used. The beta-lactam and beta-lactamase inhibitor should be used together to achieve a synergistic effect. An example of beta-lactamase inhibitor is clavulanic acid. It acts as a suicide molecule.

It binds to the B-lactamases enzyme and deactivates it. A beta-lactam will then be used to attack the bacteria, targeting those bacteria that are not yet resistant to antibiotics. Beta-lactam and beta-lactamase inhibitor work hand in hand to successfully get rid of the disease causing microorganisms. It is the primary reason why doctors prescribe these drugs. (5, 6, 8,9)

Beta-lactam and Beta-lactamase inhibitor drugs combinations

  • Amoxicillin-clavulanate – This drug combination prevents the strain of oxacillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus and beta-lactamase producing Haemophilus influenza. It is extremely helpful in patients with sinusitis, otitis media, bite wounds, lower respiratory infection, and urinary tract infection.
  • Ampicillin-sulbactam – This drug combination is used as prophylaxis and drug therapy for pelvic infections and intra-abdominal infections. (8, 9)

Examples of beta-lactamase inhibitors

  • Avibactam combined with ceftazidimine
  • Sulbactam combined with unasyn/ampicillin
  • Clavulanic acid combined with amoxicillin (10)

What is beta-lactamase inhibitor protein (BLIP)?

This type of beta-lactamase inhibitor protein is produced by the species of Streptomyces. It plays an essential role in preventing the action of beta-lactamase like TEM-1. The TEM-1 has a strong resistance to penicillin antibiotics. What the beta-lactamase inhibitor protein does is it binds to TEM-1 and directly gets in contact with the active site residues of TEM-1.

Aside from preventing the action of TEM-1, beta-lactamase inhibitor protein can also prevent action of other classes of beta-lactamases. It is the primary reason why beta-lactamase inhibitor protein is one of the widely used drugs in treating B-lactam resistant microorganisms. (7, 8, 11)



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Sep 25 2017 Published by under Diseases and Conditions

What is Paraproteinemia? It is a medical condition characterized by a high level of paraprotein in the blood.

What is a monoclonal gammopathy? It is another term for Paraproteinemia. The paraprotein in the blood contains monoclonal gammaglobulin. This condition is common in people with immunoproliferative disorder. (1)

What is a paraprotein band?

Paraproteins are immunoglobulins produced at the bone marrow. Excess paraprotein in urine can severely damage the kidneys. Paraproteins present itself as a light chain present not only in the urine but in the blood. It is the clonal population of mature B cells that produce paraprotein. A perfect example of mature B cell is plasma cell. (2)

A closer look at the plasma cells in a patient with multiple myeloma.image

Photo 1: A closer look at the plasma cells in a patient with multiple myeloma.
Picture Source:

An image of an elderly’s hands with bruising as a result of

Picture 2: An image of an elderly’s hands with bruising as a result of paraproteinemia.
Photo Source:

What are the types of Paraproteinemia?

  1. Light chain Paraproteinemia (Bence Jones Protein) – This is linked with immunoproliferative disorder. Examples are multiple myeloma and amyloidosis. It can escape from the blood vessels and will then be excreted by the kidneys. The paraprotein found in urine is known as Bence Jones proteins.
  2. Heavy chain Paraproteinemia – It is also known as heavy chain disease.
  3. Whole immunoglobulin Paraproteinemia – It is characterized by the presence of M-proteins in the blood. Both the heavy chain and whole immunoglobulin Paraproteinemia are restricted to the blood vessels. Some patients experienced macroglobulinemia, a condition wherein whole immunoglobulins bind with one another. It severely affects the health of the person. (2, 3, 4)

Paraproteinemia Symptoms

Paraproteinemia symptoms are often confused with other diseases. The typical clinical manifestations include fever, body weakness, and bone pain. The patient complains of persistent back pain and other related bone disease. Other clinical manifestations include:

  • Impaired renal function
  • Anemia
  • Hypercalcemia (high calcium level in the blood)
  • Hyperviscosity (increased viscosity of the blood)
  • Recurrent bacterial infections
  • High ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)
  • Peripheral neuropathy (damage to the peripheral nerves)
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (numbness, tingling, and weak sensation of the hands)
  • Nephrotic syndrome
  • Cardiac failure (4, 5)

What are the causes of paraproteinemia?

Leukemia and Lymphoma

  • Myeloma – It is the cancer of the plasma cells. The abnormal cell collect at the bone marrow level and affects the production of healthy blood cells.
  • B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma – It is a cancer originating from the lymphocytes (white blood cells). (6)
  • Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma – It is a certain type of cancer affecting the B white cells. It spreads in a gradual manner.
  • Plasmacytoma – it is a malignant type of tumor affecting the plasma cells. It affects the soft tissues as well as the axial skeleton. (7)

Other probable causes of paraproteinemia include the following:

  • Benign monoclonal gammopathy
  • Idiopathic or no identified cause at all
  • Light chain paratoproteinemia/primary amyloidosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Scleroderma
  • Hashimoto disease
  • Thyroiditis
  • Liver disease such as hepatitis and liver cirrhosis
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • Endocarditis (6, 7, 8)

What methods are used to diagnose paraproteinemia?

A series of tests and diagnostic procedures should be done to accurately diagnose paraproteinemia. They are as follows:

  • Blood testing to check for serum protein electrophoresis narrow band/spike, serum immunofixation electrophoresis, and haematocrit.
  • Blood viscosity analysis to check for the presence of immunoglobulins in the blood.
  • Serum free light chain which will be correlated with urine analysis. A 24-hour collection of urine is needed.
  • Computed tomography (CT Scan)
  • A biopsy of the bone marrow, especially if the doctor is suspecting leukemia or lymphoma.
  • Skeletal investigation
  • Identifying of light and heavy chains
  • Checking of both normal and abnormal proteins (8, 9)

When is the best time to rule out paraproteinemia?

One of the commonly associated health conditions with paraproteinemia is multiple myeloma. It presents a wide range of symptoms. Hence, it is important that the patient should be screened for M-protein. The blood and urine sample of the patient should be checked along with serum protein electrophoresis.

By doing so, paraproteinemia will be ruled out at an early stage, which will increase the possibility of healing. The key is to detect the condition the earliest time possible. (4, 7, 10)

Paraproteinemia Treatment

The treatment for paraproteinemia depends on the clinical manifestations and associated disorders. The treatment focuses on the acute management and supportive care. (2)

Improve the condition of the bones

To improve the condition of the bones of patients with paraproteinemia, the doctor prescribes calcium, vitamin D, and bisphosphonates. (3)

To prevent neuropathy

The patient should take analgesics and narcotics to alleviate the pain and relieve discomfort. (5)

Cancer management

The patient should receive a combination of radiation, chemotherapy, biologic therapy, and autologous transplant when deemed necessary.

Drugs of choice for patients with paraproteinemia

  • Antibiotics
  • Antivirals
  • Pain medications
  • Corticosteroids
  • Immune-modulatory drugs
  • Proteasome inhibitors
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (4, 6, 8)

Incidence of paraproteinemia

Paraproteinemia is high in people aged 50 years old and above. Men are more susceptible than women. The incident is higher in African Americans than the white population. (7)


The prognosis primarily depends on the general health condition of the patient. Usually, the prognosis for paraproteinemia is poor. In patients suffering from benign monoclonal gammopathy, the patients do not have any symptoms at all. As a matter of fact, there is no evidence of impairment of antibody response of malfunctioning of the bone marrow.

Paraproteinemia is a medical condition wherein there is a high level of paraprotein in the blood. It is commonly associated with immunoproliferative disease specifically cancer of the bone marrow. Various blood works and diagnostic procedures are done to correctly and accurately diagnose the condition.

One of the reliable procedures is serum electrophoresis. As for the treatment and management approach, the focus of care is on the underlying condition. The survival rate is low, but with urgent care and religious treatment, the survival rate can be significantly improved. If cancer is the root cause of the problem, it should be treated so as to improve the overall condition of the patient.

Most of the time, the underlying conditions can be extremely difficult to treat. So, the best and only option is supportive care. (3, 5, 10)



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Ear Bleeding

Sep 24 2017 Published by under Diseases and Conditions

The ear is one of the most sensitive organs in the body. It has three sections: outer, middle, and inner ear. The ear is primarily used for hearing.

It needs a sound wave to travel through the outer ear and in the middle ear so that vibration of the eardrum takes place. Without this mechanism, it would be impossible for a human being to hear sounds.

However, there are instances when hearing and the overall ear health are compromised. Ear bleeding pertains to ear drainage containing blood. It could be a pure blood or a combination of fluid, wax, and blood. (1, 2)

Photo 1: Ear bleeding as characterized by fresh blood coming from the patient’s ear.
Picture Source:

Image 2: A profuse bleeding of the left ear.
Photo Source:

What causes bleeding from the ear?

The causes of ear bleeding are vast. It could be associated with a medical condition or could be a result of trauma or injury. What causes ear bleeding and headache? Take a look at the common causes and their corresponding clinical manifestations. (2)

  • Damaged eardrum – A tear or a puncture in the eardrum can significantly affect the health of your ear. Clinical manifestations include pain and discomfort in the ear, a ringing sensation in the ear, vertigo (spinning sensation), nausea with or without vomiting, and hearing loss.
  • Ear infection – Infection in the middle ear could result to symptoms like fever, a feeling of pressure in the ear, trouble sleeping, and difficulty balancing.
  • Barotrauma – It is caused by a sudden change in altitude, which could possibly lead to rupture of the eardrum and bleeding. Other associated symptoms are dizziness, ear pain, a feeling of pressure or ringing sensation in the ears. (3, 4)
  • Presence of foreign object in the ear canal – A foreign object in the ear canal can compromise the condition of the eardrum. It could rupture the eardrum, which increases the possibility of bleeding from the ear. Clinical manifestations include ear pain, pressure in the ear, dizziness, ear discharge, and hearing loss.
  • Cancer of the ear canal – This type of cancer is rare, but can cause severe symptoms such as extreme pain and pressure in the ear, headache, blurry vision, numbness and facial pain.
  • Head trauma – A sudden and extreme impact to the head can cause ear bleeding. A bloody discharge from the ear after a head trauma is an indicator of bleeding around the brain.
  • Excessive ear cleaning – Ear bleeding after cleaning is also possible, especially if you are the type of person who has the habit of cleaning the ear every single day. (5, 6)

When you should contact your doctor?

A blooding discharge from the ear shouldn’t be taken for granted. It could be a simple bleeding caused by excessive cleaning. However, if the bleeding is profuse, then you need to call out for help. Ear bleeding can be dangerous and life-threatening.

Not treating the infection right away could lead complications. Indicators of serious underlying conditions include profuse bloody discharge from the ears and nose, altered consciousness, lethargy, irregular pupil size, and vomiting. (7)

What are the possible complications?

A mild bleeding in the ear does not possess any complications. However, the underlying causes of ear bleeding could cause long term health issues, especially if not treated right away.

An infection if left untreated could lead to severe infection. It could cause not just your hearing but your life too. The infection could travel to various parts of the body including the fragile bones. Complications of ear bleeding include the following:

  • Permanent hearing loss
  • Permanent ringing sensation in the ear
  • Altered language and cognition
  • Balance problems and vertigo
  • Recurrent headaches (7, 8, 9)

How to diagnose ear bleeding?

  • Physical examination – the doctor will conduct a thorough physical examination to rule out the root cause of the ear bleeding. The doctor will inspect not just the ears, but also the surrounding structures such as the neck, head, and throat. The patient’s past medical and surgical history will be considered too. It could be possible that you just recently had an accident and sustain a head injury, which eventually leads to bleeding of the ear.
  • Laboratory test and imaging studies – Blood works will be done to check for any signs of infection. If necessary, imaging test should be performed to accurately rule out the root cause of bleeding. The usual imaging studies include an x-ray and a CT scan. (1, 4, 10)

Ear Bleeding Treatment

How do you stop a bleeding ear? The exact cause of ear bleeding should be ruled out first in order to come up with the best possible treatment. The treatment is yield towards the underlying cause because it is the only way to stop the bleeding permanently. The treatment and management choices for ear bleeding include the following:

  • Drug therapy – If the ear bleeding is caused by infection, the patient is placed on antibiotic therapy. However, some ear infections do not subside using antibiotics alone. If the infection is viral in nature, then antibiotics will be of no use.
  • Pain medication – Ear bleeding always comes with pain and discomfort. To somehow alleviate the pain and discomfort, the patient is placed on pain medication. (3, 6)
  • Warm compress – To somehow alleviate the pain and discomfort and improve the circulation of blood, you should wet a wash cloth using warm water and gently place over sore ear. Make sure you protect your ear from further damage. Keep it clean and cover your ear to prevent water and other debris from entering the ear. (2, 8, 9)

Ear bleeding usually resolves on its own as time passes by. However, if you notice a profuse ear bleeding, then you should consult your doctor right away. Ear bleeding is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. If the root cause of the ear bleeding is not determined, then the bleeding will not stop.

If you experience ear bleeding along with other alarming symptoms like pain, fever, discomfort, balance problems, and bleeding from other parts of the body, they are indicators that something is not right in your system. You have to call out for help. (1, 6, 10)


  10. Diagnosis and Treatment of Ear Diseases By Albert Henry Buck

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Filiform Wart

Sep 23 2017 Published by under Diseases and Conditions

What is a filiform wart?

A filiform wart is distinct from other types of warts because of its long and narrow projections.

It extends at about two millimeters from the skin. Its color ranges from yellow, pink, and brown to skin toned. It does not form a cluster. It is commonly known as facial warts because they usually form around the lips, neck, legs, fingers, and eyelids.

It is painless but signs and symptoms appear if the wart is located in highly sensitive areas such as the skin folds. In rare instances, you will experience bleeding, itching, irritation, and soreness. (1, 2)

Filiform Wart Pictures

A filiform on the eyelid.image

Photo 1: A filiform on the eyelid.
Picture Source:

A filiform wart on the upper part of the

Image 2: A filiform wart on the upper part of the lip.
Photo Source:

A filiform wart on the lower part of the lip.image

Photo 3: A filiform wart on the lower part of the lip.
Picture Source:

Filiform wart causes

What causes filiform warts? Are filiform warts contagious? Filiform warts are caused by HPV or human papilloma virus, a contagious type of virus. The warts can be spread through skin to skin contact, especially in broken skin.

The virus can also be spread through contact of objects and clothes. There are more than a hundred strains of human papilloma virus but the ones causing filiform warts are 1, 2, 4, 27, and 29 strains. (2, 3)

Filiform Wart Removal

How do you get rid of wart on your lip and other parts of the body? What is the best filiform wart treatment? There are many ways to get rid of warts, but there is currently no way to remove the virus. There is no cure for HPV at this time, but it can be prevented through vaccination.

On the positive note, filiform warts usually go away on their own, especially if you have a strong immune system. Filiform warts on the hands and fingers are easy to remove. However, filiform on the face, especially the lips and eyes should only be removed by a trained health care professional. (4)

Filiform warts treatment : the surgical way

The commonly used surgical procedures for filiform wart removal include the following:

  • Burning/Curettage/ Electrosurgery – it is the commonly used wart removal method. The wart is burned and the doctor will scrape off the wart.
  • Excision – A scalpel will be used by the doctor to snip the wart. To get the desired effect, the doctor needs to perform this procedure several times. (4)
  • Cryotherapy – it is a procedure done in the dermatologist’s clinic. The doctor will spray a liquid nitrogen to freeze the wart. There is a minimal pain but it takes several sessions for the wart to completely go away. (5)
  • Cantharidin – The doctor paints cantharidin over the wart and a blister will form, which will eventually destroy the growth of the wart. After a few days, the wart will be manually removed by your surgeon.
  • Other wart removal options include laser treatment, injections, chemical peels, and immunotherapy. (6)

Home Remedies

There are home remedies for filiform wart. Although, it may take some time for the wart to completely go away. Some of the tested and proven effective wart removal methods at home include the following:

  1. Pineapple – a fresh pineapple directly put into the wart several times a day can help improve the appearance of the wart. Pineapple contains natural acids and enzymes which speeds up the healing process. (6, 7)
  2. Baking powder and castor oil mixture – Create a paste by mixing baking powder and castor oil. Apply the paste at night and cover with a bandage. Do this religiously for you to see a significant improvement on your warts.
  3. Garlic – a garlic is known for its antibacterial property. Applying fresh garlic to the wart several times a day can hasten the healing process of the warts.
  4. Vitamins – Create a thick paste using water and vitamin C. You could also try vitamin E. Apply the paste directly onto the warts and cover with a bandage.
  5. Aloe vera – Apply a fresh aloe vera gel on the wart. It contains malic acid, which is effective in speeding up the healing process. (9, 10)
  6. Tea tree oil – This essential oil is known for its antibacterial and healing properties. Apply tea tree oil on the wart and cover with a bandage. Do this several times a day. You can also mix tea tree oil with other healing oils to increase its efficacy and potency.
  7. Boost your immune system – A strong immune system is the body’s defense against illnesses. People with a weak immune system is prone to warts and other forms of illnesses and diseases. To keep your health into its optimum state, you should maintain a balance between rest and relaxation. Make sure you get plenty of sleep. Take essential vitamins and minerals. (8)

What you can do to prevent filiform warts?

  • Make it a habit to wash your hands on a regular basis, especially if you get in contact with warts.
  • If you have warts, make sure to not pick at it to prevent the spread of the warts.
  • Cover your warts with a bandage.
  • Keep the warts dry and clean.
  • Get a regular HPV vaccine to prevent warts and other diseases caused by human papilloma virus.
  • Practice safe sex at all times. Be faithful to your partner. Avoid casual sex.
  • If you have been exposed to HPV, then you should contact your doctor right away.
  • You might unknowingly carry the virus. Inform your doctor and let him help you come up with the best remedy. (4, 8, 9, 10)

Filiform warts are highly contagious. If you notice a distinct form of wart, then you need to inform your doctor right away. Early detection results to early treatment. The key to preventing warts is to strengthen your immune system. Make sure you drink plenty of water, eat nutritious foods, and get plenty of sleep, rest, and exercise.

Take vitamins and minerals to boosts the body’s ability to fight diseases and illnesses. Warts will eventually heal on its own if you have a strong immune system. (2, 6, 7)


  10. Differential Diagnosis in Dermatology, 4th Edition By Richard Ashton, Barbara Leppard, Hywel Cooper

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Rash behind Ear

Sep 22 2017 Published by under Diseases and Conditions

A skin rash can be itchy and painful. It is a cause of embarrassment to people, especially if it appears in the exposed areas of the skin. A rash behind the ear is something that should not be taken lightly.

A rash may appear as an ordinary skin bump, but when gets infected could be reddened and swollen. If gets infected could lead to blisters and open sores. What can cause a rash behind the ears? Is a red rash behind ears can be cured? (1, 2)

An adult patient with rashes behind the ear caused by atopic dermatitis or

Image 1: An adult patient with rashes behind the ear caused by atopic dermatitis or eczema.
Picture Source:

A rash behind the ear of a paediatric patient.image

Photo 2: A rash behind the ear of a paediatric patient.
Image Source:

A rash behind the ear of a paediatric patient, which is caused by rubella

Image 3: A rash behind the ear of a paediatric patient, which is caused by rubella virus.
Picture Source:

Causes of Rash behind the Ears

A rash behind the ear is a result of various factors such as an underlying health condition, infection, and medical-related cause (underlying disease condition). Some of the causes of rash behind the ears include the following:

  • Eczema (atopic dermatitis) – It is characterized by dry and itchy rashes. The skin becomes reddened and swollen. It should be treated right away or else it could lead to a cluster of blisters. The rash usually appears behind the ears and in the areas of skin folds such as the knees and elbows. (3)
  • Contact dermatitis – Most of the time, it is mistaken for atopic dermatitis because they have the same clinical manifestations. The only difference is that contact dermatitis is caused by allergen. Everybody is susceptible to contacting contact dermatitis. It could be an allergic reaction to environmental factors, cosmetics, soaps, shampoo, jewelry, and the likes. The genetic composition of the human body has a lot to do with the development of contact dermatitis. (4)
  • Seborrheic dermatitis – The rash starts on the scalp and will gradually spread behind the ears and eventually on the face. It is an extremely itchy rash, which tends to scale and crust. The exact cause of seborrheic dermatitis is still unknown up to this time. However, it is associated with an immune response. People with a weak immune system is susceptible to seborrheic dermatitis. Diet can also trigger seborrheic dermatitis, especially if your diet lacks biotin, zinc, riboflavin, and pyridoxine. (4)
  • Psoriasis of the scalp – It is somewhat the same as the typical psoriasis, but it is concentrated on the forehead, neck, and behind the ears. The rash is reoccurring. This condition is associated with autoimmune disease. It is also linked with environmental conditions and genetic factors. (5)

Rash behind the ear in infants

Infant have delicate skin. They are prone to skin rashes and skin infection. That is why it is important to take good care of baby’s skin. Not taking good care of baby’s skin can lead to rashes, especially on the head area.

A rash behind the ear of babies are treatable as long as urgent treatment is given to the baby. What could possibly be the reasons why babies can have a rash behind the ear?

  1. Measles – A heat rash behind ears of babies can be one of the clinical manifestations of measles. It appears as a flat red spot and will then travel to the rest of the body. Aside from rashes, other clinical manifestations of measles include cough, runny nose, and fever. Measles are viral in nature. There is no exact cure. The focus of care is to strengthen the immune system of the body and treat the symptoms. Luckily, there is a vaccine against measles. It is given when a baby reaches nine months old. (5, 6)
  2. Seborrheic dermatitis – An inflamed and reddened rash behind the infant’s ears can be linked with seborrheic dermatitis. The rash is oily and scaly. In babies, the condition is called cradle cap. (7)
  3. Rubella/German measles – It is somewhat similar to that of the usual measles. Where does German measles rash start? The infant begins to have rashes on the face including the neck and behind the ears. The gland behind the ears swell. The infant also has fever, headache, runny nose, and joint pain. The clinical manifestations last for a few days. (2, 8)

Rash behind Ear Treatment

Rashes usually resolve on its own, but it is important to give the appropriate treatment. The root cause of the rash should be ruled out in order to come up with the most effective treatment. There are home remedies and over the counter medications that you can try on. However, if the patient is infant, it is important to consult a paediatrician. Do not attempt to give medications by mouth unless prescribe by your doctor.

You should keep the area behind the ear clean and dry to prevent secondary infection. If the cause of rashes behind the ear is atopic dermatitis, there is no exact cure for the disease. However, the symptoms can be managed using topical corticosteroids and increasing the intake of vitamin D. You should avoid anything that can trigger the rash. The rash behind the ear can be very itchy.

To alleviate the itching, the patient should use an anti-itch cream. Avoid anything that can further dry up the rash. As much as possible, you should keep the skin moisturized using skin-friendly moisturizer. (6, 9, 10)

In the case of seborrheic dermatitis, the best remedy is anti-fungal medication. Natural remedies such as essential oils can also improve the appearance of rash. Examples include the following:

  • Tea tree oil diluted in carrier oil such as jojoba oil improves the appearance of rash. It is effective in the treatment of skin rash both of bacterial and fungal cause.
  • Turmeric is effective in alleviating skin rashes. It stops the spread of the rash and treats redness and swelling. Thanks to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory property. (1, 4, 5)

If the rash does not go away despite desperate measures, the best thing to do is to consult your skin doctor. If the patient is infant or child, you need to consult your paediatrician. A rash behind the ear is something that cannot be noticed right away.

It can only get notice if it starts to get painful and itchy. To prevent any types of rash, it is a must to keep the skin clean at all times. Maintain a good hygiene. Always consult your doctor for any unusual signs and symptoms. (2, 3, 7)



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