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Explosive Diarrhea

Diarrhea pertains to the passage of loose, watery stools. A severe form of diarrhea is called explosive diarrhea.

Symptoms of explosive diarrhea include severe abdominal pain, severe flatulence, bouts of loose bowel movement, fever, nausea with or without vomiting, and bloating. (1)

A patient suffering from explosive diarrhea along with abdominal pain.photo


Image 1: A patient suffering from explosive diarrhea along with abdominal pain.
Picture Source: www.belmarrahealth.com’

Natural remedies for explosive diarrhea pictures


Picture 2: Natural remedies for explosive diarrhea.
Photo Source: www.homeremediess.com

Explosive Diarrhea Causes

What makes you have explosive diarrhea? What causes sudden uncontrollable diarrhea? Well, there are a few factors leading to the sudden release of loose, watery stool. These include the following:

  • Diet – Some foods can trigger diarrhea. This is most likely the reason if you experience explosive bowel movements after eating. If you have a hypersensitive stomach, then you need to be extra careful with the foods you eat, especially when dining out. People with lactose intolerance are prone to having diarrhea. The same thing goes for people with sensitivity to sorbitol, fructose, and mannitol. (1, 2)
  • Infection – Explosive bowel movements in adults and children can be caused by infections, be it viral or bacterial in nature. If you suffer from a viral infection, the intestines and the stomach get inflamed. There is no cure for viral cause. It usually resolves on its own, but you need to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. On the other hand, bacterial infection caused damage to the intestines. Hence, it should be treated using antibacterial drugs. Parasitic infection can also cause explosive diarrhea. If your immune system is weak, then you are most likely become a target of parasitic infection. Such type of infection is caused by drinking contaminated water and improper food preparation. (3)
  • Toxins – The toxins in the environment can be one of the culprits for diarrhea. Toxins can be introduced to the body through inhalation or in the forms of food and water. Once ingested could lead to explosive diarrhea.
  • Side effects of drugs – Some medications can cause explosive diarrhea. As a matter of fact, laxatives cause diarrhea, especially when not used as prescribed. Antibiotics cause diarrhea too.
  • Traveler’s diarrhea – As the name suggests, it is a form of diarrhea experienced by people traveling to countries like Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Middle East. It is primarily caused by unsanitary food preparation and contaminated water. Travellers usually complain of bouts of diarrhea along with nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and weakness.
  • Health conditions – Some medical conditions cause explosive diarrhea. Examples are ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and colon cancer. (2, 4, 5)

Differentiation between Normal diarrhea Vs Explosive diarrhea

An explosive diarrhea is a severe form of diarrhea. The typical diarrhea is characterized by mild abdominal cramping and loose bowel movement. It resolves in a few days. On the other hand, explosive diarrhea causes severe abdominal pain, bouts of loose watery stools, and large amount of flatulence. The patient can also suffer from nausea and vomiting. (1, 3)

What are the complications?

Explosive diarrhea can be dangerous, especially in children and older patients. It is important to treat it right away before it can cause any adverse effect to the body, which includes the following:

  • Dehydration – If you have explosive diarrhea, your body is not just losing water but also essential nutrients. Hence, if you are suffering from diarrhea, you should increase your intake of fluid and essential nutrients. Signs and symptoms of dehydration include excessive thirst, drying of the skin, especially the mouth, muscle weakness, easy fatigability, and lack of urine or dark colored urine. (6, 7)
  • Haemolytic uremic syndrome – This is a complication of a diarrhea caused by E. coli. It is a serious condition that if not treated could lead to kidney failure. Clinical manifestations include fever, nausea with or without vomiting, easy bruising, decrease in urine output, and presence of blood in the stool. (9)

Explosive Diarrhea Treatment

  • Increase your fluid intake – To avoid dehydration, the patient is strongly advice to increase his fluid intake, especially water and natural fruit juices. In case of severe dehydration, the patient is hospitalized and put on intravenous therapy to replenish water and electrolytes.
  • Increase your intake of banana – This fruit contains pectin, which helps replenish electrolytes in the body. It is also rich in fiber, which helps absorb excessive fluid in the intestines.
  • Increase your intake of probiotics – Increase your intake of good bacteria so as to fight the bacteria causing diarrhea. Examples of probiotics are yogurt, kimchi, and other preserved products. (5, 8, 10)
  • Consume foods that can thicken the membranes – you should increase your intake of foods that can harden your stool such as fenugreek seeds, potatoes, white rice, and certain types of bananas.
  • Increase your intake of foods that aid in digestion – Some types of teas can help in easy digestion such as ginger and green tea. However, ginger tea should not be given to patients with high blood pressure. (9)
  • Increase your intake of pectin rich foods – Pectin can coat the stomach and ease the intestines. Examples of pectin rich foods are bananas, blueberries, and apple cider vinegar. The good thing about apple cider vinegar is that it has antibacterial property, which is effective in the treatment of diarrhea that is bacterial in origin. (7, 9)

When you should see your health care provider?

Explosive diarrhea usually resolve after a few days. If you have been suffering from diarrhea for more than three days, then you need to see your doctor. You have to be very cautious, especially if the patient is a child or an elderly. You should not underestimate diarrhea because it could lead to a life-threatening condition, especially in the case of severe explosive diarrhea.

Some cases of diarrhea could resolve on its own, especially if it is caused by drugs or certain foods. However, if the diarrhea has been going on for days along with fever, nausea, vomiting, weakness, and abdominal pain, then you need to see your doctor.

You should check the quality of the stool. If it is foul-smelling and has blood stains, it could indicate infection. Watch for any abnormalities and inform your doctor right away. The doctor will order for a stool and culture examination and will come up with the best possible treatment. (6, 7, 10)


  1. www.healthline.com
  2. www.doctorshealthpress.com
  3. www.phaa.com
  4. www.livestrong.com
  5. www.healthhype.com
  6. www.belmarrahealth.com
  7. www.healthyandnaturalworld.com
  8. www.collectivewizdom.com
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org
  10. Advanced Health Assessment & Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care – E-Book By Joyce E. Dains, Linda Ciofu Baumann, Pamela Scheibel

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