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Filiform Wart

What is a filiform wart?

A filiform wart is distinct from other types of warts because of its long and narrow projections.

It extends at about two millimeters from the skin. Its color ranges from yellow, pink, and brown to skin toned. It does not form a cluster. It is commonly known as facial warts because they usually form around the lips, neck, legs, fingers, and eyelids.

It is painless but signs and symptoms appear if the wart is located in highly sensitive areas such as the skin folds. In rare instances, you will experience bleeding, itching, irritation, and soreness. (1, 2)

Filiform Wart Pictures

A filiform on the eyelid.image

Photo 1: A filiform on the eyelid.
Picture Source: www.healthline.com

A filiform wart on the upper part of the lip.photo

Image 2: A filiform wart on the upper part of the lip.
Photo Source: s.hswstatic.com

A filiform wart on the lower part of the lip.image

Photo 3: A filiform wart on the lower part of the lip.
Picture Source: 3.bp.blogspot.com

Filiform wart causes

What causes filiform warts? Are filiform warts contagious? Filiform warts are caused by HPV or human papilloma virus, a contagious type of virus. The warts can be spread through skin to skin contact, especially in broken skin.

The virus can also be spread through contact of objects and clothes. There are more than a hundred strains of human papilloma virus but the ones causing filiform warts are 1, 2, 4, 27, and 29 strains. (2, 3)

Filiform Wart Removal

How do you get rid of wart on your lip and other parts of the body? What is the best filiform wart treatment? There are many ways to get rid of warts, but there is currently no way to remove the virus. There is no cure for HPV at this time, but it can be prevented through vaccination.

On the positive note, filiform warts usually go away on their own, especially if you have a strong immune system. Filiform warts on the hands and fingers are easy to remove. However, filiform on the face, especially the lips and eyes should only be removed by a trained health care professional. (4)

Filiform warts treatment : the surgical way

The commonly used surgical procedures for filiform wart removal include the following:

  • Burning/Curettage/ Electrosurgery – it is the commonly used wart removal method. The wart is burned and the doctor will scrape off the wart.
  • Excision – A scalpel will be used by the doctor to snip the wart. To get the desired effect, the doctor needs to perform this procedure several times. (4)
  • Cryotherapy – it is a procedure done in the dermatologist’s clinic. The doctor will spray a liquid nitrogen to freeze the wart. There is a minimal pain but it takes several sessions for the wart to completely go away. (5)
  • Cantharidin – The doctor paints cantharidin over the wart and a blister will form, which will eventually destroy the growth of the wart. After a few days, the wart will be manually removed by your surgeon.
  • Other wart removal options include laser treatment, injections, chemical peels, and immunotherapy. (6)

Home Remedies

There are home remedies for filiform wart. Although, it may take some time for the wart to completely go away. Some of the tested and proven effective wart removal methods at home include the following:

  1. Pineapple – a fresh pineapple directly put into the wart several times a day can help improve the appearance of the wart. Pineapple contains natural acids and enzymes which speeds up the healing process. (6, 7)
  2. Baking powder and castor oil mixture – Create a paste by mixing baking powder and castor oil. Apply the paste at night and cover with a bandage. Do this religiously for you to see a significant improvement on your warts.
  3. Garlic – a garlic is known for its antibacterial property. Applying fresh garlic to the wart several times a day can hasten the healing process of the warts.
  4. Vitamins – Create a thick paste using water and vitamin C. You could also try vitamin E. Apply the paste directly onto the warts and cover with a bandage.
  5. Aloe vera – Apply a fresh aloe vera gel on the wart. It contains malic acid, which is effective in speeding up the healing process. (9, 10)
  6. Tea tree oil – This essential oil is known for its antibacterial and healing properties. Apply tea tree oil on the wart and cover with a bandage. Do this several times a day. You can also mix tea tree oil with other healing oils to increase its efficacy and potency.
  7. Boost your immune system – A strong immune system is the body’s defense against illnesses. People with a weak immune system is prone to warts and other forms of illnesses and diseases. To keep your health into its optimum state, you should maintain a balance between rest and relaxation. Make sure you get plenty of sleep. Take essential vitamins and minerals. (8)

What you can do to prevent filiform warts?

  • Make it a habit to wash your hands on a regular basis, especially if you get in contact with warts.
  • If you have warts, make sure to not pick at it to prevent the spread of the warts.
  • Cover your warts with a bandage.
  • Keep the warts dry and clean.
  • Get a regular HPV vaccine to prevent warts and other diseases caused by human papilloma virus.
  • Practice safe sex at all times. Be faithful to your partner. Avoid casual sex.
  • If you have been exposed to HPV, then you should contact your doctor right away.
  • You might unknowingly carry the virus. Inform your doctor and let him help you come up with the best remedy. (4, 8, 9, 10)

Filiform warts are highly contagious. If you notice a distinct form of wart, then you need to inform your doctor right away. Early detection results to early treatment. The key to preventing warts is to strengthen your immune system. Make sure you drink plenty of water, eat nutritious foods, and get plenty of sleep, rest, and exercise.

Take vitamins and minerals to boosts the body’s ability to fight diseases and illnesses. Warts will eventually heal on its own if you have a strong immune system. (2, 6, 7)


  1. www.healthline.com
  2. www.livestrong.com
  3. www.webmd.com
  4. www.doctorshealthpress.com
  5. www.warts.org
  6. www.epainassist.com
  7. www.healthcentre.org.uk
  8. www.wartstreatmentguide.com
  9. https://howshealth.com
  10. Differential Diagnosis in Dermatology, 4th Edition By Richard Ashton, Barbara Leppard, Hywel Cooper

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