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How long does – Adderall, THC, Molly, Opiates and Nicotine stay in your system ?

How long does Adderall last in your system?

Adderall is a drug that stimulates the central nervous system. It is used to treat people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. What it does is it increases chemicals in the brain, specifically dopamine and norepinephrine.

However, Adderall should be taken with caution due to its highly addictive property. It has a euphoric effect that is why some people tend to abuse Adderall. (1, 2)

Adderall XR in a capsule form How long does Adderall last

Image 1: Adderall XR in a capsule form.
Photo Source: www.healthmad.com


How long does Adderall last?

Adderall immediate release can last for up to six hours. On the other hand, Adderall extended release can last for up to 12 hours. Adderall should be taken under the supervision of a medical professional.

When taken more than the therapeutic dose, it could lead to high effects such as excitement, increased alertness, rapid heartbeat, and mood swings. If you develop addiction to Adderall, you will experience withdrawal symptoms and uncontrollable craving for Adderall. (1, 2, 3)

How long can Adderall be detected in urine?

Adderall can be detected in the urine 2 to 4 days after the last intake. If you can manage to not take Adderall for a few days, then your test will surely come out negative. If you take a lower dose, there is a better chance of passing the urine test.

Hair follicle test

A hair test is one of the reliable ways to check for Adderall abuse. A hair follicle is collected and analyzed for the presence of Adderall metabolites. A hair follicle test offers long window of detection. It can detect Adderall use for up to a month or even longer. (3, 4)

How long does Adderall stay in the saliva?

An oral fluid sample is collected to the patient. It is used to check recent Adderall intake. It is actually more reliable than urine because the amphetamine content of Adderall will appear quicker in the saliva than in the urine. On the average, it will take 20 minutes after the last use to test positive for Adderall via the saliva specimen. The window of detection using the saliva is one to 48 hours. (2, 3)

How long does Adderall stay in the blood?

This is an invasive way of checking Adderall in the system. However, blood testing can only detect Adderall for up to 24 hours after the last consumption. On the positive note, it can detect Adderall within minutes of ingestion.

Urine 2 to 4 days after the last intake
Blood 24 hours after the last intake
Saliva 48 hours after the last intake
hair A month or even longer

How to get rid of Adderall from the body?

If you want to come out negative of Adderall use, then you should increase your fluid intake a few days before the test. It would also help if you are going to take detox drinks to help the urinary system thoroughly cleanse Adderall content. (1)


How long does THC stay in your system?

Different testing methods used to detect THC level in the body How long does Adderall last image

Picture 3: Different testing methods used to detect THC level in the body.
Photo Source: www.homehealthtesting.com

A blood extraction to check for the level of THC in the blood How long does Adderall last photo

Image 4: A blood extraction to check for the level of THC in the blood.
Picture Source: static.mjwellness.com

A drug testing for marijuana is measured by checking the THC level and/or its metabolite THC-COOH. How long do edibles stay in your system for drug test? It depends on the types of testing method used. It can detect both recent and chronic use.

Marijuana contains hundreds of chemicals. The level of THC is the one checked because it is the one responsible for mood, behavior, and perception of the patient. Once the liver breaks down THC, it forms metabolites THC-COOH. How long do drugs stay in your system? It varies from one person to another. It depends on the type of marijuana used, rate of metabolism, gender, and diet. (5, 6, 7)

How long does THC stay in your blood system?

THC is a fat soluble molecule. If you have a lot of body fat, you can store THC and its metabolites in your body. It can stay there for days or even months depending on the amount of marijuana used.

The frequency of use is also a big factor. Those who have been using marijuana regularly retain THC and metabolites longer than infrequent users. The elimination half-life of THC metabolite is four days. (5, 8)

Drug detection chart

  • Urine testing – a sample of urine is collected on site and immediately send to the laboratory. It checks for the presence of THC-COOH. Occasional marijuana users will test positive for marijuana if the test is performed 1 to 3 days after the last consumption. Frequent marijuana users will test positive if the urine test is performed within 10 days after the last use. However, those who have been taking marijuana for a long period of time may test positive even if it is more than a month after the last use.
  • Blood test – Once you smoke marijuana, the THC level in the blood will shoot up, which makes it easy to detect marijuana use via blood test. In fact, a few minutes after taking marijuana, you will test positive through blood test.
  • Hair follicle test – it produces more accurate result than other methods. In fact, it has the longest window of detection. It can detect marijuana use for up to three months after the last use. It is the most reliable method, but rarely used because of its expensive price tag.
  • Saliva test – It is more convenient than other testing methods. It can detect marijuana within 24 hours of use.
  • Sweat test – A patch is applied to the skin for 10 to 14 days. It does have a few limitations. As you know, the ability of the body to perspire varies from one person to another. (5, 6, 7, 8)
Urine test 1 to 3 days (occasional users)/ up to 10 days (frequent users)
Blood test A few minutes after taking marijuana
Hair follicle test 90 days from the last use
Saliva test Within 24 hours of use
Sweat test Varies depending on the amount of sweat

How to pass a urine drug test naturally?

  • The best way to pass the test is to abstain from using marijuana and other types of illicit drugs.
  • You can facilitate the flushing of THC from your system by drinking a lot of water. It can lower the level of THC metabolite in urine leading to a negative result. (6, 7)


How long does molly stay in your system?

A colourful molly, known as a recreational or party drug How long does Adderall last picture

Image 5: A colourful molly, known as a recreational or party drug.
Photo Source: www.newhealthadvisor.com

Molly, one of the illegal drugs used by people of all ages How long does Adderall last photo

Picture 6: Molly, one of the illegal drugs used by people of all ages.
Image Source: theinfluence.org

Molly is the street name for psychoactive drug 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). Its other names are ecstasy, legal E, and legal X. It is a party drug. A lot of people take molly because it is an energy booster and a mood enhancer drug. They take molly for recreational reason. (9, 10)

How long does the drug molly stay in your system?

The answer depends on how much molly you consume. If you have taken a low dose, then most likely it will leave your body faster than taking with a higher dose. There are various ways to check for molly in your system and they can affect the results too. Molly can be detected in the blood within a few minutes of use but it also go out of the blood faster than other types of test. (10, 11, 12)

How long does molly stay in your blood?

A single dose of molly can stay in the blood for up to 12 hours. A multiple dose of molly can stay in the blood for up to 24 hours. (10, 11)

How long does molly stay in the urine?

A single dose of molly can be detected up to three days while multiple doses can last for up to five days. (9)

How long does molly stay in your saliva?

Infrequent users can be detected within 3 days while chronic users can be detected for up to five days. (12)

How long does molly stay in your hair follicles?

The hair has the longest window of detection. It can detect molly for up to three months.

Urine test 3 days (occasional users)/ 5 days (frequent users)
Blood test 12 hours (single dose)/ 24 hours (multiple dose)
Saliva test 3 days (occasional users)/5 days (chronic users)
Hair follicle test 90 days from the last use

What are the side effects of molly?

  • Confusion
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Extreme anxiety
  • Excessive craving for molly
  • Depression
  • Impaired judgment
  • Paranoia
  • Blurring of vision
  • Chills
  • Kidney-related disease
  • Convulsions
  • Psychosis
  • Death

How to get molly out of your system in 24 hours?

If you are going to search online, you will find a lot of information about getting molly out of your system. However, you should be extra careful when making your choice because not everything works. Be wary in using products that claim to help flush out drugs out of your system fast.

As much as possible, you have to stick with all natural approach to getting rid of molly. Two of the possible ways to get rid of molly from your system is by drinking plenty of fluids and exercise. Molly is a water-soluble substance, which means that it can be easily flushed out from the system. A simple exercise routine can also help get rid of molly from your system.

However, you have to make sure you are not exhausting yourself. Too much of anything can be harmful to your body. Even drinking too much water can cause havoc to your health. (9, 10, 11, 12)


How long does opiates stay in your system?

What are opiates? They are drugs derived from a plant called opium poppy. There are natural opiates and there are synthetic ones. Examples of natural opiates are morphine and codeine.

Synthetic opiates include heroin and oxycodone. Opiates aren’t body when used the right way. In fact, opiates are used to alleviate pain. However, many people abuse opiates, which leads to addiction. Too much opiates use can be detrimental to one’s health. In fact, it could lead to debilitating illnesses and death. (13, 14)

There are various types of opiates and each of them has a different window of detection. How long does it take to get opiates out of urine? How long does it take for opiates to show up in your urine?

Types of opiates Half life Window of detection
codeine 3 hours 1 to 2 days after the last dose
morphine 2 to 4 hours 2 to 3 days after the last dose
hydrocodone 3.8 hours 2 to 4 days after the last dose
heroin 30 minutes 2 to 7 days after the last dose
opium 24 to 36 hours 2 to 4 days after the last dose

How long does opiate stay in the system?

One of the many forms of opiates How long does Adderall last pictures

Image 7: One of the many forms of opiates.
Photo Source: casapalmera.com

How long does Adderall lasThe most commonly abused opiates Photo

Photo 8: The most commonly abused opiates.
Picture Source: www.drugrehab.org

The ability of the body to get rid of opiates primarily depends on the types of opiates and the dosage of the drugs. Low dose can be easily eliminated from the body than a higher dose. Other factors that could affect the body’s ability to flush opiates include the following:

  • Severity of use. Chronic opiate users will have a hard time getting rid of opiates from the body.
  • Kidney and liver function
  • Body mass
  • Age
  • Metabolism (15, 16)

How to get rid of opiates fast?

  1. The proven effective way of removing opiates from the body is to not take it anymore. If you have been using opiate for a long time now, then you will surely have a hard time getting rid opiate from your system. You will most likely experience withdrawal symptoms and that should be managed medically.
  2. Keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water. It will help flush out toxins and opiates metabolites from your system. Increase your intake of water two to three days before the test to dilute the urine sample.
  3. Exercise regularly. It helps improve the flow of blood and speeds up the body’s metabolism.
  4. Urinate a lot to push out the drugs from your system. (13, 14, 15)

Other tests used to detect opiates include the following:

  • Blood test – it can detect recent use of opiates. It can detect opiates in the blood for up to six hours from the last use.
  • Saliva test – The window of detection is 1 to 4 days.
  • Hair test – it can detect opiates for up to 90 days. (13, 16)


How long does nicotine stay in your system?

Cigarette has the richest level of nicotine How long does Adderall last pictures

Image 9: Cigarette has the richest level of nicotine.
Photo Source: qph.ec.quoracdn.net

A nicotine patch, an alternative to cigarette How long does Adderall last picture

Picture 10: A nicotine patch, an alternative to cigarette.
Image Source: upload.wikimedia.org

When you smoke, you are taking in nicotine. However, during the nicotine test, the body is checked for the presence of cotinine, the nicotine metabolites. The cotinine is the indicator of nicotine use. It can be detected in the urine, blood, and saliva. (17, 18)

blood 1 to 3 days (nicotine)/ up to 10 days (cotinine)
urine 4 days after the last use
saliva 4 days after the last use
Hair follicle Up to 90 days from the last use

How long does cotinine stay in your blood?

Once cotinine gets in the blood, the liver will immediately detoxify it and gets rid of the toxin from the blood. Using the blood test, it can detect nicotine use for up to three days from the last use regardless of the type of nicotine products you take such as cigarette, tobacco, nicotine gum, and patches.

As for the cotinine content, it can be detected for up to 10 days from the last use. (18, 19)

How long does nicotine stay in your system urine test?

If you inhale nicotine, it will be automatically converted into cotinine, which will be excreted from the body in the form of urine and perspiration. However, nicotine metabolites can still be detected in the urine for up to 4 days from the last use. If you are a passive smoker (exposed to second-hand smoke), you will test positive for nicotine for up to 20 days from the last exposure.

If you used menthol cigarette, it would take more than 20 days to completely get rid of nicotine in your urine. How the cotinine level is checked using the urine test? A urine sample is collected and a tests strip is dipped for about five minutes. An indicator will show you if the urine is positive for nicotine or not. (19, 20)

How long does nicotine stay in the saliva?

Cotinine can be traced in the saliva for more than 10 hours after the last use. In fact, in some people, the cotinine content can still be detected in the saliva for up to four days. The saliva test is said to be the most accurate test for nicotine use.

How saliva test for nicotine is done? A saliva/oral fluid sample is collected and strip is soaked in the saliva for 20 minutes. The saliva test will reveal the level of cotinine in the body. (18, 19, 20)

How to pass a nicotine test?

A nicotine test is one of the requirements for people who apply for work. Nicotine isn’t illegal but some companies require their employee to be checked for nicotine. Cotinine is the primary metabolite of nicotine and it is the one being checked during the nicotine drug test. Cigarette smoking is one of the commonly used methods of taking nicotine. It is in the form of cigarette smoking. Today, there are nicotine gums and patches and nicotine test can still use to check for nicotine level in the body.

If you want to pass a nicotine test, there are cleansing products readily available in the market. Some of them can remove traces of cotinine in the blood, urine, and saliva in as little as 2 to 3 days. (17, 19, 20)


  1. https://www.ihealthblogger.com/how-long-does-nicotine-stay-in-your-system-blood-urine-hair-and-tests/
  2. https://newlifehouse.com/how-long-does-adderall-stay-in-your-system/
  3. http://prescription-drug.addictionblog.org/how-long-does-adderall-stay-in-your-system/
  4. http://mentalhealthdaily.com/2016/07/14/how-long-does-adderall-stay-in-your-system/
  5. http://www.passadrugtestingforall.com/long-does-adderall-stay-urine-a-61.html
  6. https://www.leafscience.com/2017/10/25/how-long-thc-system/
  7. https://herb.co/2015/10/18/how-long-does-weed-stay-in-your-system/
  8. https://www.coloradopotguide.com/colorado-marijuana-blog/article/how-long-does-cannabis-stay-in-your-system/
  9. https://www.drugs.com/answers/how-long-does-marijuana-stay-in-system-53067.html
  10. https://www.loyalmd.com/how-long-does-molly-stay-in-your-system/
  11. http://www.getholistichealth.com/29101/tips-on-how-to-beat-the-molly-drug-test/
  12. http://mentalhealthdaily.com/2015/10/12/how-long-does-ecstasy-mdma-stay-in-your-system/
  13. http://www.prevent-hangovers.com/ecstasy-drug-test.html
  14. https://americanaddictioncenters.org/prescription-drugs/how-long-in-system/
  15. https://luxury.rehabs.com/heroin-addiction/how-long-does-it-stay-in-your-system/
  16. https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/opiate-addiction/faq/how-long-do-opiates-stay-in-system/#gref
  17. http://www.ohsinc.com/info/detection-time-frame/
  18. http://www.healthgoesup.com/articles/335/1/how-long-does-nicotine-stay-in-your-system-1.html
  19. https://www.homehealthtesting.com/blog/2010/03/how-long-does-nicotine-stay-in-your-system/
  20. http://drugsdetails.com/how-long-does-nicotine-stay-in-your-system/
  21. https://www.directvapor.com/blog/how-long-nicotine-in-system-745/

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