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Nasal Vestibulitis

The nose is one of the most sensitive organs in the body. It plays an important role in the respiratory process. The nose is used for breathing and smelling.

The nasal cavity is divided into three regions: the olfactory (smelling), respiratory, and vestibule. If the nose is irritated, the vestibule part of the nose becomes swollen, reddened, and sore. The condition is medically known as nasal vestibulitis. (1, 2)

What is a nasal vestibulitis?

A nasal vestibulitis is an inflammation of the skin within the area of the nasal vestibule. It can occur as acute or chronic type. It should be treated immediately because it spreads easily in other parts of the nose, especially in the insides of the nostrils.

Acute vestibulitis is characterized by redness and swelling of the nostril. You will also notice a liquid secretion at the opening of the nostril. A chronic nasal vestibulitis has the same symptoms as the acute type, but there is a tissue hardening. You will also notice a crust. The skin dries easily and becomes itchy. (1, 2, 3)

Nasal vestibulitis Pictures

Image 1: A severe form of nasal vestibulitis.
Picture Source: symptomstreatment.org

Picture 2: The outside structure of the nose with vestibulitis.
Photo Source: escholarship.org

Causes of nasal vestibulitis

  • Infection – Nasal vestibulitis is associated with bacterial infection, but it can also be caused by a viral infection. The Staphylococcus aureus is the primary cause of bacterial infection. As a result, the nasal tract narrows and affects your ability to breathe through your nostrils. (3)
  • Allergic reaction – If you have an allergic reaction to dust, pollen, and other environmental allergens, your body will react into it. A nasal vestibulitis is one of the body’s reactions to allergens. (4)
  • Waste products of the body – The body eliminates toxins from the system in various ways and one of them is mucus secretion from the nose. When gets infected could lead to nasal vestibulitis.
  • Other possible causes – There are other conditions leading to nasal vestibulitis such as the habit of nose picking, upper respiratory infection, and chronic rhinorrhea folliculitis. (4)

What are nasal vestibulitis symptoms?

  • The nose, specifically the nostrils swell, reddened, and painful
  • There is mucus drainage
  • The opening of the nostril is bumpy
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose
  • Facial swelling and redness on the cheeks and eye area
  • A pimple-like structure at the nasal entrance
  • Having a hard time blowing the nose (5, 6, 7)

Who are at risk?

People who have a bad habit of picking the nose are prone to nasal vestibulitis. Those with recurrent infection of the nose as well as people with folliculitis of nasal hair are at risk for nasal vestibulitis too.

How to diagnose nasal vestibulitis?

A thorough physical examination should be done to thoroughly assess the condition of the patient. The patient’s medical and surgical history will also be taken into consideration. The clinical manifestations will be thoroughly assessed, especially the ability of the patient to breathe effortlessly and whether or not there are nasal discharges. (8, 9)

Is it contagious?

Some forms of nasal vestibulitis are contagious while others are not. It all depends on the root cause of the problem. The contagious form of nasal vestibulitis can be spread through indirect contact. To avoid the spread of infection, you should observe the following:

  • Make it a habit to wash your hands regularly.
  • Use a hand sanitizer.
  • Keep the house clean, especially those in contact with the person with nasal vestibulitis such as the doorknobs, counters, and other shared items.
  • When going out in public, you should wear a face mask especially if you are susceptible to infection. (8, 9, 10)

Nasal Vestibulitis Treatment

To thoroughly get rid of nasal vestibulitis, the root cause of the disease should be ruled out. It is important to thoroughly clean the affected area using a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide.

A nasal vestibule should be treated using a combination of oral and topical antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor. In the case of severe nasal vestibulitis, the best treatment approach is antibiotic given via intravenous route.

It is a must to complete the entire course of antibiotics for the infection to completely go away and prevent recurrent infection. (1, 5, 10)

Nasal Vestibulitis Home (Natural) Treatment

Aside from the conventional treatment, there is also nasal vestibulitis natural treatment. It means treating the disease and alleviating pain and symptoms right in the comfort of your home. Some of the herbs and plants used to treat nasal vestibulitis at home include the following:

  • Mint leaves – Create a mint tea by adding fresh mint leaves to a cup of boiled water. If you can’t stand the taste of a mint tea, then you can add honey to improve the taste. Mint leaves have a soothing and calming effect to the body. It relaxes the mind and relaxes the nasal cavity. (4)
  • Tea tree oil – You should not use tea tree oil alone. You should dilute it to a carrier oil like almond oil or coconut oil. Using a cotton swab, apply the oil on the affected areas of the nose. Repeat when necessary. (6)
  • Lemon – Add lemon juice to a glass of lukewarm water. The vitamin C content of lemon helps speed up the healing process. Make sure that you wait for at least 30 minutes before eating.

Can you prevent nasal vestibulitis?

Nasal vestibulitis can be very alarming, but the good news is they can be completely prevented. To avoid nasal vestibulitis, you should strictly observe the following:

  • You should avoid foods that increase the production of mucus with digestion.
  • Examples are carbohydrate rich foods, spicy foods, citrus fruits, and dairy products.
  • You should maintain a healthy diet.
  • You should avoid excessive intake of alcoholic beverages.
  • If you want to clean your nostril, make sure you are going to use a neti pot instead of picking using your finger. (3, 7, 8, 9)

Nasal vestibulitis can be painful and annoying. It causes discomfort. If you are suffering from nasal vestibulitis, it is important to seek treatment the soonest time possible to avoid further complications. If the infection is mild, then you can at least try to get rid of it using home remedies. It is important to observe measures that can help prevent nasal vestibulitis. (2, 4)


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org
  2. www.doctorshealthpress.com
  3. www.epainassist.com
  4. www.medigoo.com
  5. symptomstreatment.org
  6. www.aidanceproducts.com
  7. www.merckmanuals.com
  8. www.healthfrom.com
  9. www.mussenhealth.us
  10. Diagnosis in Otorhinolaryngology: An Illustrated Guide By T. Metin Önerci

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