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White Bump on Eyelid

What is a White bump on Eyelid?

The eyelid belongs to the most delicate areas of the body. There are numerous glands in this area that are wide open to maintain eye lubrication. Therefore, due to its intricate structure, this area is relatively vulnerable to any infections of the eye. A bump is usually the result of clogging and inflammation of the oil glands present on the eyelid. These bumps may stay as small lesions and hardly observable or may swell up and become especially painful, depending on the cause. Aside from stye, there are other eye infections that cause white bumps to surface on the eyelids.


The following are the usual origins of white bump on the eyelids.

Eye Stye

This infection is usually due to Staphylococcus bacteria. Normally, these bacteria belong to the normal microflora that exist in the eyelid and are typically undisruptive. Once internal and external factors encourage bacterial growth, their number uncontrollably expands. They attack the oil producing glands and infect it. The infection is manifested by the development of a red, tender and swollen area on the eyelid with a small white bump on its center. This white bump is regularly filled with pus.


When the meibomian gland, located within the tarsal plate, is clogged up, a cyst called chalazion emerges. Normally, this sebaceous gland produces a sticky substance which assists in sustaining the moisture of the eyelashes. Once in a while, its duct may become blocked, resulting to the clogging of the sebaceous gland by sebum. As an inflammatory response to the retained oil secretion, a white bump develops on the area which is small in size.

The bump may be painful at first, as it continues to develop, it becomes painless. The affected individual may also report blurring of vision especially when the bump is large enough to cause a distortion in the natural structure of the cornea. This eye infection is commonly confused with eye stye, however, unlike stye, chalazion is not caused by bacteria and is likely to grow larger.


Eventhough adults can also become affected, milia is a condition which commonly affects the newborn and young children. In this condition, a very small solid white bump develops on the eyelid. This is due to the failure of the children’s skin to get rid of dead cells the way it should be. In adults, the frequent causes are severe sunburn and eyelid trauma.


  • Nearly all of the eye infections are the results of poor sanitation. These infections are easily transmitted by rubbing the eyes with unclean hands. Therefore, it is important that everyone must maintain the contact of the hands to the eyes to bare minimum. If there is a need, though, one must perform proper handwashing before the hands come in contact with the eyes.
  • The application of contact lenses must be carried out with proper hygiene measures.
  • Never share or use others’ cosmetics and eye makeup items.
  • Dispose of old or contaminated makeup products.
  • If there is already infection in the eye, avoid using any products on the affected eye until the infection resolves.
  • Because children unaware of good hygiene practices, they are likely to get eye infections. Hence, they must be provided with health teachings on the significance of good hygiene in one’s health.
  • Stye and chalazion subside by their own. Usually, a stye last for 1 week while chalazion persists for a month or more. To accelerate the healing process, the affected eyelid must be applied with a washcloth soaked in warm water. The application must be at least 5 minutes for 4 to 6 times a day over the course of several days. This measure will reduce the pain and shrink the white bump. In some instances, the bump bursts open, empties and heals without any other interventions.
  • Part of the home treatment is the cleansing of the infected area with mild, non-irritating soap or baby shampoo.
  • Do not squeeze the bump to facilitate drainage as this will only invite further infection. Allow it to break by itself.
  • Generally, the white bump on the eyelid is not painful. However, for cosmetic purposes, seek a doctor’s recommendation on how to do away with it. Frequently, prescribed medications are already enough to treat the white bump. If it still persists, such as in internal hordeolum surgery may be needed, with patient placed under anesthetic agent.
  • If the appearance of sties becomes frequent, the eye physician may recommend the use of an antibiotic cream to inhibit recurrence. The patient may also be advised to apply pre-moistened eyelid cleaning pads for everyday eyelid care in order to trim down the risk of eye infections. Not often do doctors prescribe systemic antibiotics to treat multiple and chronic eye styes.

White Bump on Eyelid Pictures

White bump on eyelid pictures

source : wikimedia.org


White bump on eyelid Images

source : channel4embarrassingillnesses.com

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