How long is Pink eye Contagious?

What is Pink eye? Pink eye or medically known as conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes. The conjunctiva is known as the cover for the eyeballs, the inner part of our eyelids. It is known that…


What is Prosopagnosia ? Prosopagnosia is a disorder that involves face perception where the word prosopagnosia literally means not knowing face. Agnosia means impaired recognition, while prosopon means face. Others even refer this condition as face blindness, a disease process…

Is Shingles Contagious

What are shingles? Shingles is a viral infection that results to highly extensive and painful rashes. Shingles occur after one acquires the varicella-zoster virus, the main culprit for chickenpox. The mechanism of the condition is that right after one had…


Erythromelalgia It is one of the problems facing today that affects both men and women. A certain disease that is associated with severe soreness and inflammation present specifically to both legs and feet. This condition can be caused by various…

Cartilage Piercing

Body piercing is one of oldest known forms of written art around the world. This condition occurs in different patterns and is often preventable and treatable. What is Cartilage Piercing? The term Cartilage Piercing, is made of tough elastic tissues…

Metabolic Alkalosis

What is Metabolic Alkolis? Everything in this world especially the parts, nerves, and everything inside our body is very essential in the proper functioning and development of our body. A condition in which the body fluids have excess base (alkali)…

Granulomatous Inflammation

What is Granulomatous Inflammation? A granuloma refers to a benign inflammatory condition that is composed of small, organized collections of activated macrophages or histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells which take on a squamous cell-like manifestation. This distinctive pattern is so…

White Bump on Eyelid

What is a White bump on Eyelid? The eyelid belongs to the most delicate areas of the body. There are numerous glands in this area that are wide open to maintain eye lubrication. Therefore, due to its intricate structure, this…

Itchy rash all over body

Universally called itching, pruritus is described as an unpleasant feeling which causes individuals to scratch a body area. This may be localized or generalized. When pruritus is accompanied with a body rash, the cause must be established and promptly treated….

Hand Numbness and Tingling

What is Hand numbness and Tingling? Usually, our nerves have several main functions. Nerves transmit nerve impulses from the central nervous system to the periphery. The information then directs a muscle to move, regulates blood flow and provides sensation to…

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