Chills without Fever

Had you experience having chills? It is a feeling of being cold for no reasons at all. It is the repeated expa...

Beta Lactamase Inhibitor

A beta-lactamase is a family of enzyme that is resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics. They are produced by bac...


What is Paraproteinemia? It is a medical condition characterized by a high level of paraprotein in the blood. ...

Ear Bleeding

The ear is one of the most sensitive organs in the body. It has three sections: outer, middle, and inner ear. ...

Filiform Wart

What is a filiform wart? A filiform wart is distinct from other types of warts because of its long and narrow...

Rash behind Ear

A skin rash can be itchy and painful. It is a cause of embarrassment to people, especially if it appears in th...


What is Anterolisthesis ? It is another term for spondylolisthesis. It is a spine condition in which the uppe...

Chlorine Rash

Swimming is a great form of exercise, especially for people with lung problems. However, swimming in a pool ca...


What is Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis most commonly known as wear and tear arthritis, is a form of joint infl...

Zenker’s Diverticulum

What Is Zenker's Diverticulum? The Zenker's diverticulum is also known as pharyngoesophageal diverticulum. Di...

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