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Thrush in Mouth

What is Thrush in the Mouth?

Thrush in the mouth is known as oral candidiasis. A much known yeast infection of the mouth basically caused by the fungi Candida albicans. This condition is presented with white lesions and scrapings of the mouth, specifically on the tongue, inner cheeks and the palates.

The condition can be diagnosed through taking a sample from the lesions and letting it be examined by a pathologist under the microscope. Culture of the sample is also possible for the concrete diagnosis of the problem.

As already said, the condition is caused by the fungi Candida albicans. This causative agent can be acquired especially when a person has weakened immune system or has acquired it from sexual contact. Those who are susceptible of such condition are those who have HIV, cancer, diabetes, and those with underlying or previous vaginal yeast infections. Those who are taking antibiotics and those who take inhaled corticosteroids are prone to thrush in mouth. Smokers and those who wear dentures are at risk of the condition.

Thrush in Mouth Symptoms

The development of thrush in the mouth can take about without the affected noticing it. As the condition begins to start its manifestations, the development of the following follows:

  • Lesions appear that are creamy white in color, usually found on the tongue or palates. The lesions are cheese-like in appearance.
  • Pain or discomfort is felt by the affected. This is possible as the person lesions may have cracked open making it uncomfortable on the part of the patient.
  • Bleeding tendencies in the affected area.
  • Loss of taste. Usually, they complain of a bitter or salty sense of taste as they eat.
  • Difficulty in swallowing.
  • Dry mouth which eventually leads to cracked lips and reddened lips.

Complication includes the spread of the agent to the neighboring parts of the body. As this happens, infection may develop and compromise the condition of the client.

How to get rid of thrush in the mouth?

Thrush in the mouth can be treated with prescription drugs. Antifungal agents are provided to client such as lozenges and those which are in tablet or liquid form. Amphotericin B is also a drug provided for clients who are truly immunocompromised. Topical anti-fungal agents such as nystatin and Gentian violet are famous in treating oral thrush.

In order to get rid of the oral thrush, we need to promote hygiene. Here are the following ways to do that:

  • Brush teeth at least twice a day. Regular flossing is also recommended. But we need not to vigorously brush our teeth, instead regular brushing can reduce the severity of the oral problem.
  • Use oral rinses. It is much preferable that a person would use warm salted water rinses. This can take effect on the acidity of the mouth from the lesions that have developed. In order to attain a saltwater rinse, we need to dissolve a half teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. Using this solution as a swish can help reduce the mouth lesions.

Prevention is always better than cure. In order to avoid such malady we need to practice good oral hygiene. We can attain this by regularly brushing our teeth, rinsing our mouth, and seeking the dentist’s consultation at least twice a year. Take note of what you eat. Make sure that one limits the ingestion of foods high in sugar, as this can also precipitate in the development of oral thrush. Those who have oral dentures should make sure that they are regularly cleansed and are fitted well when worn. Smokers should start considering stopping their bad habit so that they are not prone in contracting the oral condition.

Infants who have mothers who are positive of Candidiasis should be provided with nursing pads in order not the affect the child. This condition is truly contagious and should not have a continuing cycle. In order to avoid such phenomenon, we need to take care for others health too by informing the health care that one has contracted the disease to avoid spread.

Going to the doctor to seek medical help can also reduce the spread of the disease and also the worsening of the condition.

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